Sci-Fi in both Fiction and Reality...

Humans have always had a fascination with outer space, time travel and the galaxies and universes we have yet to explore. Our CTO, Asa Margetts, takes a look at how fictional Sci-Fi has inspired today's tech reality...

Yesterday said this was Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is Today...

As part of a company at the forefront of Software Development, Data & AI, and Cloud innovation, it’s awesome to see how the fictional worlds of classic sci-fi films like The Terminator, RoboCop, The Matrix, and Back to the Future (all of which are my favourites!) now echo in the corridors of real-world technology. 


  1. "The Terminator" & Machine Learning

The self-aware Skynet might have been a daunting prophecy of AI, but today’s machine learning algorithms, which predict everything from consumer behaviour to potential health risks, draw directly from this vision of autonomous, learning machines - thankfully, used for good!


Terminator - Machine Learning


  1. "RoboCop" & Augmented Humanity

RoboCop’s blend of human consciousness and robotic enhancements mirrors current advances in prosthetics and exoskeletons. These technologies, which boost human capabilities beyond their natural limits, are not just aids but transformative tools for rehabilitation and strength enhancement. 

Robocop - Augmented Reality


  1. "The Matrix" & Virtual Reality

While we’re not plugging into a fully detailed simulated reality (yet!), the advancements in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) reflect the film's concept of engaging alternate worlds. Today, VR and AR are used in training, education, and even therapy, providing rich, interactive environments that were once the domain of sci-fi. 


The Matrix - Virtual Reality


  1. "Back to the Future" & Innovation

Who can forget the iconic flying DeLorean? (and "McFly!!").  While flying cars aren’t commercially available (again... yet!), the film’s spirit of innovation lives on in today's electric cars and the development of drones capable of human transport, that steps us towards making the film's fictional transport a reality. 

Back to the Future - Innovation

These films remind us that the line between fiction and reality is often a precursor to innovation. 

As we continue to push the boundaries of what technology can achieve, it is important to take inspiration from these tales of caution and curiosity. They not only entertain but also challenge us to think differently about the tools we create and the future we shape.

At IJYI, we aim to use these technologies responsibly, ensuring they serve to enhance human capabilities and ethical standards, not diminish them.

On a side note, have you seen our "AI Powered IJYI Boss Detector" demo, inspired by Robocop? Watch me run around our office with a webcam to see if our tech can detect Kev, our CEO.  Check out the link below for the tube...

Click for the YouTube

(Click image above for the link)

Read more from The IJYI Way Insight 

About the author

Asa Margetts

A technology leader with over 25 years of experience spanning Leadership, Consultancy, Cyber Security, and Infrastructure. I also specialise in digital transformation through the use of Cloud (AWS & Azure), Data & AI, and Software Development.